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SSgt. Craig P. Dangel (sitting), SNCOIC of RSS Kokomo and 9MCD SNCOIC of the Year, discusses recruiting programs with MSgt. Paul E. Rork, RI, RS Indianapolis, during a training and assist visit to RSS Kokomo June 23. According to Sgt Allen L. Morse II, a Kokomo recruiter, Dangel is a Marine that leads by example and is in the fight until the end.

Photo by Sgt. Jason D. Gallentine

Indianapolis SNCOIC inspires leadership through example

1 Nov 2005 | 9th Marine Corps District

At five foot, eight inches tall and 180 pounds, Staff Sgt. Craig P. Dangel physically portrays the word Marine. He is in shape, has a bench and weights in the front of his Recruiting Substation, and regularly works out on his own and with his poolees. He is even planning a weight lifting competition to attract physically-fit potential applicants. For Dangle, a sound body makes for a strong mind.

“We wanted our own enhanced area canvassing event to draw in more athletic people,” said Dangel, RSS Kokomo SNCOIC, “the type of people interested in the Marine Corps.”

Dangel said he constantly strives to recruit the best young men and women for service in the Marine Corps and motivates his Marines to do the same. Now he has a new hope. He wants his Marines to follow his example, excel within the recruiting command and be recognized by the leadership with awards and commendations. 

In recognition of his dedication, leadership and hard work, Dangel was selected as the SNCOIC of the Year for 9th Marine Corps District.

Dangel attributes his success to an ever-present desire to exceed expectations as well as to see his fellow Marines follow suit.

Dangel inspires praise from his fellow Marines by developing an atmosphere of fellowship rather than a dictatorship.

“He’s in the fight with you,” said Sgt. Allen L. Morse III. “He doesn’t just say this is what I want. Call me when you get it.”

Never one to settle, Dangel, a producing SNCOIC for five months, looks to the future for his successes rather than dwelling on his past victories.

“I just take pride in building the future of the Corps and finding people I’m proud to serve next to when I go to the fleet,” said Dangel.

During the past year, Dangel’s station achieved 107 percent its gross contracts goal, and 105 percent of its shipping goal. At one point, Dangel was under consideration to become a career recruiter but he wanted to return to the Fleet Marine Force.

“I’ve got a war to fight,” Dangel said. “Every day I’m enlisting people and asking them to go to war. I feel like I’m asking them to do something I won’t do if I don’t go back to the fleet.”

For now he remains one of the District’s top performers, but his opinion of successful recruiting would never be found within a recruiting guidebook.

“Whether I achieve my goals or not doesn’t bother me,” Dangel said. “I just want to do the best I can. I get paid to do the best job I can.”

In a job field were making mission is everything, that attitude may seem askew, but Dangel’s recruiters speak of him with pride as if he were a general on the battlefield.

According to Gunnery Sgt. Jessie W. Cornelius, assistant recruiter instructor, RS Indianapolis, Dangel is a good leader that really knows how to inspire and motivate people, which makes his Marines and his poolees want to perform and do well.

“Kids want to be like him,” Cornelius said. “They have a lot of pride being a part of his RSS, and I think that directly stems from him.”

Such characteristics should lead Dangel to have a successful tour. He is scheduled to leave the RSS in July 2006, and will return to the FMF.

“He would have continued to be a great asset to the RS,” Cornelius said.

He will be missed, but all who inspire greatness must eventually move on to greater things.
9th Marine Corps District