Preparing for a PCS
The 9MCD maintains an up-to-date Welcome Aboard Guide to provide our inbound Marines and families with information on our District AO, resources, recruiting and more.
Whether this is your 1st or your 21st move, every experience brings a different set of challenges; be it an unfamiliar location, new pet, the second family car, or a new child. Military OneSource has the tools, resources, and support to make your PCS a Smooth Move. Check out Military OneSource's relocation information.
Military OneSource also offers tips for children and PCS in the Military Youth on the Move.

House or Apartment Rental Resources: is the official DoD site for housing. Marines and families in the 9th are also encouraged to work with their sponsor, Recruiting Sub-Station SNCOIC, or point of contact at their headquarters section to help find housing in their new location. Some Marines and families will be able to work with the housing office at a nearby military installation (there are some Army, Air Force, and Navy bases in our area).
TMO As soon as your Marine receives PCS orders, call TMO for an appointment. TMO can help you with more than just setting up move dates. They can provide information on storing your goods, arranging a personally procured move (PPM), calculating your total household goods weight limit, and what items can and cannot be shipped or moved. Call TMO at 619.524.5369 also visit for more helpful information Family Member Employment Resources