Many of us make goals, strive to reach them, and look back at the year’s end to assess how we’ve done.
The past year has been full of challenges, old and new, that every recruiter has had to overcome. Continued operations in the Global War on Terrorism have raised concerns about military service, and parents have become more involved with their children’s decision to join the military.
Regardless, Recruiting Station Indianapolis has had a great year, according to Gunnery Sgt Jessie Cornelius, Assistant Recruiter Instructor.
“We shipped over 100 percent of our fair share, didn’t miss contracting goals, shipped all required (Quota Serial Numbers) while filling QSNs for other (recruiting stations), and had meritorious promotions.”
The only drawback this year was learning how to deal with being overmanned with a shortage of government vehicles and office space.
According to Staff Sgt Terry L. Van Dyke, Recruiting Substation Terre Haute recruiter, the hardest parts of the year were working late hours during the months of February through May, or FMAM.
“There are much longer hours (during FMAM), and you will most likely not see a lot of your family,” Van Dyke said.
Because he was prepared and planned for these tough times he said he has many positive stories to tell.
Van Dyke said he enjoyed becoming a fixture of the community by getting involved through media, fairs, the Toys for Tots campaign, and by helping local families. According to Van Dyke, he bought a truckload of wood and split it for a poolee and his family during a financially hard time in their lives.
“Every recruiter should strive to be a part of the community,” Van Dyke said. “That type of connection is what makes young men and women see that you want to help them.”
Staff Sgt Cory J. Carter, recruiter, RSS Kokomo, enlisted a young woman who always wanted to be a rescue swimmer. Carter was able to enlist her, and he believes that she is now the only female rescue swimmer in the Marine Corps.
“When she called and said how thankful, proud and happy she was…I was just glad to have helped her remove a roadblock to achieving her dream,” Carter said.
With positive memories of accomplishments over the last year, these Marines look forward to setting new goals.
According to Carter, he has set personal goals to becoming a staff noncommissioned officer in charge and eventually a career recruiter.
In addition, Carter said he wants to continue to make mission and help out the station as a whole in any way possible.
For Van Dyke, the upcoming year offers him the opportunity to continue to help young men and women.
“Each person is an individual with his own hopes,” he said. “A lot of kids’ dreams are crushed between their senior year in high school and their first year of college. They look for a better life, and the Marine Corps offers them a small window of opportunity.”
Cornelius has confidence in the Marines of RS Indianapolis, and said that the Staff NCOICs are getting more experience, and communication is improving. He feels this will drive the station to another year of success.
“RS Indianapolis has been a superior achiever four years in a row now,” Cornelius said. “You’ve got to take a lot of pride in knowing you have that.”