
Top recruiter returns to fleet a Centurion

1 Dec 2006 | 9th Marine Corps District

“The only thing I wanted to do when I came out on recruiting was return to the fleet successful,” said Staff Sgt. Krisopher Korreck, recruiter, Recruiting Station Lansing, Recruiting Substation Muskegon. “I never expected anything else.”

With his hard work ethic and desire to be successful, Korreck reached success on several levels. During his 33 months on production as a recruiter for RS Lansing, Korreck was named a “Centurion” for recruiting 100 individuals into the Marine Corps, meritoriously promoted to staff sergeant, and was named RS Lansing's Sergeant Major Recruiter of the Month three times. He finished his tour having earned two Dynamic Dozen awards, several quartely and monthly recruiter awards, and maintained a 72 percent Alpha mix.

“The thing that has always impressed me about Staff Sergeant Korreck is his hard work ethic and dedication,” said Gunnery Sgt. James Ciuk, RSS Muskegon staff noncommissioned officer-in-charge. “He sets his goals and doesn’t stop until he reaches them.”

Master Sgt. Gregory Young, RS Lansing operations chief, said Korreck is good at everything, but his ability to listen to applicants and show them how the Marine Corps can benefit them sets him apart.

“Most recruiters return to the Fleet Marine Force writing 60 contracts – 70 if they really pushed,” said Capt. Elgin Young, RS Lansing executive officer. “Korreck put in a lot of hard work and the award and recognition is well deserved.”

During Korreck’s last two months, with his replacement in place, he continued to push and write contracts.

“I didn’t keep writing contracts for the award or for a pat on the back,” said Korreck. “The RSS had some hard months and I was just trying to do my part to make mission.” 

According to Master Sgt. Young, Korreck was a team player and would help out in any way – to not only make mission for his recruiting substation, but for the RS as a whole.

“New recruiters can learn many lessons from Staff Sergeant Korreck,” said Master Sgt. Young. “I think the most important thing to learn from him would be how to start off on the duty. He always tells new recruiters to ‘get yourself established in schools and in the community as soon as possible. This will be your key to success.’”

“Your word is the only thing you have in your community, and you never want to compromise it trying to make a ‘quick sell,’” Korreck said. “Once you compromise your word, the community will feel betrayed and it will turn into a long tour.”

Korreck will now report to 3rd Battalion 5th Marines, Camp Pendleton, Calif., as an infantry unit leader, his primary military occupational specialty.

9th Marine Corps District