OKLAHOMA CITY -- Long work days and even longer weeks are common for recruiters and their staff noncommissioned officers in charge; but that doesn’t stop GySgt. Noah Thetford from running the best recruiting substation in Recruiting Station Oklahoma City.
His RSS enlisted 86 high qualified men and women, with 74 earning the title Marine during Fiscal Year 2017. As a SNCOIC, Thetford is responsible for training, mentoring and motivating his recruiters to put men and women on the yellow footprints. Not an easy task for the recruiters, but something he enjoys doing.
“I do it for the Marines,” said Thetford. “Recruiting is a difficult duty and if the work I do helps ease some of that stress, then that’s all the motivation I need.”
Thetford, though, credits his Marines for the award. His team consistently enlisted more men and women each month, while tirelessly preparing them for recruit training.
“The men and women we recruit could potentially be the Marine serving to the left and the right of us.” Thetford said. His commitment to instilling our core values to the next generation of Marines is unmatched at RS Oklahoma City.
“Gunnery Sgt. Thetford's engaged leadership, strong management acumen and thorough understanding of his area of recruiting operations enabled his team to contact and enlist high quality applicants, 88 percent of whom were in the highest tier of [armed services vocational aptitude battery test] testing.” said Verblaauw. “By providing valuable mentorship to the applicants after they had [decided to join the Marine Corps], he ensured that 75 of his shippers were prepared for recruit training.”
Thedford’s time has now ended at RSS Oklahoma City North. Later this fall, he will relocate to RS Chicago and work at the RSS Lake County office in Waukegan, Ill.